Monday, September 17, 2007

Welcome to the World....

Parker Ryan Moore

Septermber 17, 2007 10:04 am

9 lbs 7 oz - 20 1/2 inches


Anonymous said...

Hi Parker, you're so adorable! We're glad you're here! Love, auntie Erin

Uncle Bry said...

Parker you are beautiful. Welcome to life, you're going to love it here!

Anonymous said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, PARKER. Great Grandma Imy loves you and will be coming to see you when you are 1 month old. Love & Kisses.

Anonymous said...

Dear Parker, You are the most precious baby I've ever seen. We all love you very much. I'm so happy you were born today. So is your Mommy and Daddy and Charley. I love you, Grandma